Saturday, October 24, 2009

DAY 512 - Day 415 in Recovery Paradise

Just finished by last quarterly check-up with radiologist yesterday. I was scoped through my nose down my throat (that was a wild ride for sure). Got a visual "all clear" and am scheduled for another CT scan around December. Oddly, now living in 4 month increments.

A year ago, I had my spouse write my daily blog and my post to the forum. My mouth got so dry and throat blocked, she would often guess (did a good job) at what I was trying to say and ask me - "How does this sound? Is this what you are trying to say?"...ha

I had wine and garlic chicken pizza tonight at great Italian restaurant with my family. No way I could have done that this time last year. It would have been me sipping water and watching and wishing.

As odd as it sounds, life is better now that it was before the diagnosis and it was good then. I appreciate EVERYTHING now. Daily, I wear a yellow "Live Strong" wristband to remind me of my CANCER and my new life commitments (as I truly sometimes forget it ever happened) next to a blue "Can't Change It" wristband to remind me to positively handle the things in my life that I can't change and an orange hairband (belongs to my 11 year old daughter) to remind me to maximize my responsibility as a husband and father. They accessorize really well with all my suits.

A friend of mine has a blog and a book re: "Can't Change It" that deals with the parts of life you can't change in a positive way. Ten years ago he was hit head-on by a drunk driver and declared DOA. A miracle recovery and physical rehabilitation has him now as a successful author and national motivational speaker. His unforeseen event turned his life totally around. He was a Cutco salesman one day and now motivates thousands. He used his "Unfair Opportunity" to totally change his life.

If our lives were a Nintendo game, we are now getting an extra turn and a chance to go to the next level. How many times have we all heard someone on the news lament that they lost a loved one and never got the chance to tell them one more time that they loved them?

Live not as though there were a thousand years ahead of you. Fate is at your elbow; make yourself good while life and power are still yours.
- Marcus Aurelius Antonius

1 comment:

  1. Hello Robert

    I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer about a month ago and will start chemo/radiation therapy within the next two weeks. I discovered your blog and have been scanning through your posts for about an hour now.

    I have perused several other blogs and have found yours to be most helpful in describing much of what I can expect in the next year or so in the treatment journey.

    My diagnosis and treatment plan seem similar to what you have described for yourself. The one unique variable that I'll be facing is that I sing and my singing has always been a part of who I am personally, spiritually, and socially. I'm interested to see if and how my faith and general mindset will weather the coming storm.

    Reading day 512 from your blog is encouraging. I hope and pray that I'll be able to muster the courage that you express through your posts.

    Continued blessings!
    Dave G. (Oceanside CA.)

    P.S. - My treatments will be done at the Moores Cancer center in San Diego CA.
