Slept until noon today- no naps during the week and worked mostly full days. My mouth still gets quite dry - but a bottle of water and my "spit pills' seem to make it tolerable. the spit pills still make me clammy and I sweat a lot for an hour or so after I take the pill, but is worth it.
This last year has been both hard and a blur- I was diagnosed in May of last year- went through treatment over the summer and just got back to work (part time in Jan) and mostly full time now...I remember the days dragging on and holding my feeding tube up for gravity feed most of the day with 6 feedings a day. A pain in the neck (pun intended), but saved my I can eat deli sandwiches, bread and most not too spicy foods ( and me with a year supply of chipoltle peppers in the pantry).
Hair grew back darker and a bit curlier, lost a lot of weight (tough weight loss program) gaining most of it back and now that Spring is here- feel pretty damn good about everything. There were many dark days of depression and some feeling sorry for myself this past year and thank God for my wife and family....We are all truly blessed more than we think about and sometimes it takes a bus in our path for us to give thought to the gifts we have around us.
Song of the Day: Bianca Ryan - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
We are SO glad to have you back!!!